Wednesday 5 August 2015

Why Naruto should be considered as the best Anime of all time?

Naruto,as a manga and anime, has won millions of hearts all over the globe.The story about 'number one hyperactive knucklehead' ninja rising from all odds to cherish his lifelong dream of becoming the Hokage (meaning 'Fire Shadow') of his village inspired one and all to NEVER GIVE UP (As Naruto always repeated).
There are numerous things which make this manga special.It has been the most followed anime and manga of the modern age.It has grew exponentially ever since the first volume which was launched in 1997.Though there are still many episodes to go,( episode number 421 of shippuden is the latest one),
what is it that makes Naruto different than the other anime to get such high popularity?

  • Character Development.
Naruto is one of the few anime which doesn't focus on one central titular character development.Other anime which I have seen, focuses too much on the main cast.That's where Naruto is unique.It gives every single character a history, a back story, a reason to explain what they are doing.
Be it ,
Naruto's dream to be Hokage to gain respect and people will look up to him,
Sasuke's desire to be better than everyone else for revenge against his killer elder brother,
Rock Lee's desire to be a shinobi, even though he is not gifted like his peers,
Pain's dream to see a world without any war or conflict.

Each of the characters presents a whole new perspective for the story and Naruto succeeds to have characters which are immensely popular than the titular character itself which is an extremely good thing for a manga to have.It shows that the anime doesn't depend on the titular character to engage the audience and it has other characters which do the job perfectly.

  • Engaging Storyline.
The anime starts off with a bang.The opening scene about a nine tailed demon fox who had come to destroy the hidden leaf village and the hero who sacrificed his life to save the village by sealing the demon inside a little boy will keep you in awe.Then comes the battle with Mizuki  which showed Naruto and Iruka's awesome father and son type bond which they share.Following this comes Kakashi Hatake with the most popular quote of the anime.The battle at the land of waves with Zabuza and Haku were just a cherry on the cake and just goes one.
Naruto's highest point of fan following easily came during the "Chunin Exams" arc and "The Invasion of Pain" Arc.SSome of the most memorable fights came during these arcs like Gaara vs Rock Lee, Naruto vs Gaara, Naruto vs Neji, Naruto vs Pain, Jiraiya vs Pain etc.
The arcs kept us glued to our TV sets or laptops.They were the defining moment of Naruto.
  • Killer Dialogues.
Okay, this deserves a special mention as the quotes of this anime are simply fab.
" Even the most ignorant, innocent child will eventually grow up as they learn what true pain is. It affects what they say, what they think… and they become real people. "- Pain
 "Rejection is a part of any man’s life. If you can’t accept and move past rejection, or at least use it as writing material - you’re not a real man." - Jiraiya.
" It’s because we help out when they’re in trouble that we can count on them to come running when we need it."- Shikamaru Nara
 "Grown-ups are idiots. If they really want to bring an end to this endless fighting, they need to sit down with one another and reach a truce."- Tobirama Senju
 "If comrades that you trust gather around you, hope can take physical form and become visible. That`s what I believe..."- Kakashi Hatake
"Once you question your own belief, it's over."- Naruto
".He who forgives and acknowledges himself... that is what it truly means to be strong!"- Itachi Uchiha
 "Forget about revenge. The fate of those who seek revenge is grim. It's tragic, You will end up suffering and hurting yourself even more. Even if you do succeed in getting revenge, the only thing that remains is emptiness."- Kakashi Hatake
" It is only through the eyes of others that our lives have any meaning."- Haku
 "Don't underestimate me! I don't quit and I don't run! You can act tough all you want! You're not gonna scare me off! No way! I don't care if I DO get stuck as a Genin for the rest of my life! I'll still be Hokage someday!"- Naruto
"No matter how powerful you become, do not try to shoulder everything alone. Becoming the Hokage doesn't mean people will acknowledge you. But when the people acknowledge you, you can become Hokage. Never forget your friends!" - Itachi Uchiha

"In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum, but those who betray and abandon their freinds during danger are even worse than scum."- Kakashi Hatake.

  • Awesome action.
The action in Naruto is hell of a kind.The jutsu's in the ninja world would make you try the handsigns with a little glimmer of hope that you will be able to perform the techniques.But sadly, it is the real world.You would want to use shuriken and paper bombs in real life.The best fights in Naruto have to be
  1. Naruto vs Pain
  2. Jiraiya vs Pain
  3. Sasuke vs Itachi
  4. Kakashi vs Zabuza
  5. Kakashi vs Obito
  6. Minato vs Tobi
  7. Hidan and Kakazu vs Shikamaru
  8. Naruto vs Gaara
  9. Naruto vs Neji
  10. Guy vs Madara 
  11. Orochimaru vs Sasuke
  12. Gaara vs Rock Lee
  •  Value Teaching.
Naruto taught me many things.In fact all the characters taught me many a thing.
Rock Lee taught me that even the least talentless individuals can beat the geniuses by sheer determination,effort and sweat.
Guy Sensei taught me that we must be prepared to die to see the ones we love live.
Gaaara taught me that loneliness is a curse and it can only be lifted by love from the people around you.
Yashamaru taught me that wounds of the heart are different from the physical ones.They can heal only through love.
Hinata taught me the value of loving someone special who believes in you no matter what.

Neji Hyuga taught me that we can always change ones destiny.

Asuma taught me how it is important  to leave a legacy for the future generation to follow.

Itachi taught me that sometimes you have to be a villain to become a bigger hero

Kakashi taught me to always believe in your comrades.

And Lastly,

Naruto. Naruto taught me many things.

But the most important lesson was definitely " NEVER GIVE UP"

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